Larry Laudan (UNAM) writes:
A couple of days ago, I was forwarding a long list of philosophers to a friend. My spell checker in Mozilla Thunderbird was recently installed (and thus still virginal). Here are some of the more bizarre corrections it proposed (occasionally it produced several intriguing alternatives):
Buechner Muchness Buccaneer
Feyerabend Considerably Imponderable Federated
Hintikka Antiknocks Skintight Intakes
Lakatos Krakatoa's Lactose
Nagel Bagel Angel Navel
Ockham Jackhammer
Schlick Schlock Schtick
Parmenides Disbarments Promenades
Jowett Towelette
Plotinus Guillotines
Sextus Empiricus Textures Sixties empiricism
Avenarius Aquariuses
Cassirer Brassiere
Dilthey Filthy Dilute
Feuerbach Paperback
Gadamer Daydreamer Cadaver
Horkheimer Alzheimer's
von Kleist Pleistocene
Meineke Neckerchief Menace
Meinong Tiptoeing
Natorp Vibrator
Radbruch Debauchery
von Schlegel Phlegmatic
Tugendhat Halogenated
Vaihinger Fingernails
Weininger Mudslinger
Anaximander Gerrymander
Anaximenes Proximateness
Anscombe Uncombed
Boutroux Monstrous
Brentano Repentance
Condillac Vacillation
Neurath Accurate
Schleiermacher Supermachine
Voegelin Hegelian
Wollaston Gladstone
The obvious moral: don’t trust your spell checker!
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