At last we know the truth, thanks to input from nearly 750 readers:
1. Immanuel Kant (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices) |
2. David Hume loses to Immanuel Kant by 409–209 |
3. Rene Descartes loses to Immanuel Kant by 474–138, loses to David Hume by 351–242 |
4. Ludwig Wittgenstein loses to Immanuel Kant by 497–123, loses to Rene Descartes by 382–218 |
5. John Locke loses to Immanuel Kant by 549–63, loses to Ludwig Wittgenstein by 359–219 |
6. Gottlob Frege loses to Immanuel Kant by 538–77, loses to John Locke by 295–242 |
7. John Stuart Mill loses to Immanuel Kant by 550–65, loses to Gottlob Frege by 285–260 |
8. G.W.F. Hegel loses to Immanuel Kant by 555–48, loses to John Stuart Mill by 280–265 |
9. Gottfried Leibniz loses to Immanuel Kant by 564–69, loses to G.W.F. Hegel by 286–262 |
10. Bertrand Russell loses to Immanuel Kant by 561–97, loses to Gottfried Leibniz by 291–274 |
11. Baruch Spinoza loses to Immanuel Kant by 564–81, loses to Bertrand Russell by 295–274 |
12. Thomas Hobbes loses to Immanuel Kant by 564–68, loses to Baruch Spinoza by 303–254 |
13. Friedrich Nietzsche loses to Immanuel Kant by 557–78, loses to Thomas Hobbes by 325–244 |
14. Karl Marx loses to Immanuel Kant by 558–55, loses to Friedrich Nietzsche by 264–252 |
15. Soren Kierkegaard loses to Immanuel Kant by 541–62, loses to Karl Marx by 287–263 |
16. George Berkeley loses to Immanuel Kant by 583–57, loses to Soren Kierkegaard by 299–261 |
17. Jean-Jacques Rousseau loses to Immanuel Kant by 577–66, loses to George Berkeley by 281–257 |
18. W.V.O. Quine loses to Immanuel Kant by 572–43, loses to Jean-Jacques Rousseau by 287–283 |
19. Saul Kripke loses to Immanuel Kant by 570–89, loses to W.V.O. Quine by 328–215 |
20. John Rawls loses to Immanuel Kant by 588–24, loses to Saul Kripke by 270–242 |
Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl came close to the top 20. Personally, I ranked Nietzsche 1st, Hume 2nd, and Marx 3rd, so I guess I wasn't quite with the program. Some enterprising reader can click on the detailed results and tally up how many #1 votes each philosopher got (Kant led, obviously). How many readers think that in 100 years a survey like this will put Kripke or Rawls in the top 20? Or Frege or Hegel or Russell in the top 10? Other thoughts on the results? Signed comments only: full name and e-mail.