APOLOGIES to those who voted the first time earlier today (there were about two dozen votes)--there was a problem with the poll, which had to be fixed. You'll have to vote anew.
And while we're settling once and for all the only true and proper ranking of 20th-century philosophers, let's get to work on the 19th-century:
UPDATE (4 PM CST): Here are the results after about 530 votes: 1. Mill (31%); 2. Nietzsche (22%); 3. Hegel (21%); 4. Pierce (7%); 5. Marx (5%); 6. Sidgwick (4%). I expect if Schopenhauer had not pulled in 2% of the vote, Nietzsche would have a bigger lead over Hegel. I realize, now, that I accidentally omitted Kierkegaard, who might, of course, have pullled votes from both Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. So much for polling science.
UPDATE MARCH 4 (11 AM CST): With more than 1400 votes cast, here are the results:
1. John Stuart Mill (28%)
2. G.W.F. Hegel (21%)
2. Friedrich Nietzsche (21%)
4. Karl Marx (7%)
4. Charles Sanders Peirce (7%)
6. William James (4%)
6. Henry Sidgwick (4%)
8. Arthur Schopenhauer (2%)
Bentham, Brentano, Emerson, and Meinong each garnered 1% of the vote, and Comte, Feuerbach, Green, and Spencer even less. Kierkegaard would have performed, I would guess, at least the Schopenhauer level, maybe a bit better. Alas, we'll never know.
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