MOVING TO FRONT FROM MARCH 12: This poll is still open and will be a couple of more days.
This topic comes up quite a lot, especially in correspondence, and especially from graduate students and younger philosophers trying to figure out where to publish. We have touched on the issue before, but I've created a poll for readers on the subject to see whether any consensus emerges. I have listed 29 journals, which readers can rank order (with ties, of course), and you can also express 'no opinion.' I'll let this run till the middle of next week. Hopefully this new poll will prove useful.
NOTE: At least on my brower, the counter for "votes cast" went back to zero after some 120 votes had already been cast--though the votes were preserved, clearly, in the results. No idea what happened, but if the total votes cast at the top seems inconsistent with the results, below, that's why.
UPDATE: So with about 400 votes cast, this ranking seems to have become fairly stable:
1. Philosophical Review (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices) |
2. Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 214–99 |
3. Nous loses to Philosophical Review by 239–91, loses to Journal of Philosophy by 190–141 |
4. Mind loses to Philosophical Review by 245–85, loses to Nous by 167–152 |
5. Philosophy & Phenomenological Research loses to Philosophical Review by 282–64, loses to Mind by 242–101 |
6. Philosophical Studies loses to Philosophical Review by 199–28, loses to Philosophy & Phenomenological Research by 239–89 |
7. Analysis loses to Philosophical Review by 304–53, loses to Philosophical Studies by 192–133 |
8. Australasian Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 308–42, loses to Analysis by 159–156 |
9. Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 297–42, loses to Australasian Journal of Philosophy by 167–121 |
10. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society loses to Philosophical Review by 309–34, loses to Philosophical Quarterly by 220–84 |
11. Philosophers' Imprint loses to Philosophical Review by 183–21, loses to Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society by 105–87 |
12. Philosophical Perspectives loses to Philosophical Review by 289–20, loses to Philosophers' Imprint by 135–116 |
13. Tied: American Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 305–30, loses to Philosophical Perspectives by 108–80 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 323–17, loses to Philosophical Perspectives by 147–114 |
15. The Monist loses to Philosophical Review by 308–27, loses to American Philosophical Quarterly by 156–116 |
Just outside the "top 15" are Canadian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Topics, and Ratio. I am surprised by Journal of Philosophy's strong hold on #2, and that Philosophers' Imprint didn't have an even stronger showing (though it is far and away the youngest jounral in the the top 20), but otherwise there are, I imagine, no surprises here. Anyway, I expect this is a useful list for many young philosophers to have. We'll see if things change over the next few days.
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