A long-time reader writes:
I suppose the right's standards have fallen so low that this shouldn't come as a surprise: Ross Douthat --- some of whose foolishness is chronicled here and here --- will be the new conservative columnist for the NYT. The amusing thing is that, since he's replacing the world-historical abomination that is William Kristol, this might actually be an improvement.
He also shares this amusing link about Mr. Douthat. I have to confess that, apart from Krugman, I never read any of the columnists, since they are all either trite or case studies in "the less they know, the less they know it."
UPDATE: He gets beaten up here too for his ignorance of philosophy (though be forewarned that a notorious humanities blog troll, John Emerson, clutters up the thread--he may know even less about philosophy than Mr. Douthat). (Thanks to Mike Otsuka for the pointer.)
WOW!!! "Not too smart" and "dishonest" doesn't begin to capture this!
MORE FUN with the fool du jour. (Thanks to John Casey for this one.)
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