These were the faculties that had the highest rounded mean score in some of the major history of philosophy specialties; I have omitted the median and mode score here, but they will appear in the PGR. Faculties are listed alphabetically where there is more than one with the same rounded mean score in the top group.
Ancient Philosophy: Oxford University
Medieval Philosophy: Oxford University, St. Louis University, University of Notre Dame, and University of Toronto.
Early Modern Philosophy-17th Century: Yale University.
Early Modern Philosophy-18th Century: Yale University.
Kant: Indiana University at Bloomington, University of Notre Dame, and University of Pennsylvania.
19th-Century Continental Philosophy: New York University and University of Chicago.
20th-Century Continental Philosophy: Georgetown University, University of California at Riverside, and University of Chicago.
History of Analytic Philosophy: University of St. Andrews/University of Stirling Joint Program and University of Texas at Austin.
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