Here is the draft list, based on all the feedback received since this morning (Nov. 23):Download pgr_faculty_lists_2008.rtf . My sincere thanks to the dozens of philosophers who have already submited information.
The Advisory Board is presently voting on about a dozen faculties that have requested inclusion in the survey. Since I have faculty lists for those programs already, those that the Board votes to add will be included. I will post on the blog a list of those departments the Advisory Board votes to include.
A couple of issues it might help to clarify, before soliciting any final corrections to the lists:
"Emeritus faculty still doing some teaching and supervision" means emeritus faculty on multi-year contracts that requires them to teach graduate students. It does *not* mean emeritus faculty who are hanging around and willing to talk to students. I would appreciate information (you can e-mail me with this) about listings that are incorrect on this score, and I will follow up with individual departments.
"Cognate" faculty have to be faculty *at the university* (not faculty elsewhere) who are actually willing and able to work with graduate students in philosophy: e.g., serve on dissertation committees, teach pertinents courses that philosophy students take, and so on. I am concerned that some schools are padding the cognate lists, so let me observe that padding the list is almost certainly not helpful: a long list of names most philosophers have not heard of, or even specialists may not have heard of, is likely to be interpreted as a weakness, not a strength.
"Adjunct" faculty at a university are *not* listed. (On the other hand, some departments list faculty at their university who are 'cognates' as adjuncts: they are included on the cognate list.)
Sydney and the ANU have large numbers of multi-year post-docs: they are listed as part-time faculty (as before), but with a parenthetical "post-doc" after the name. These faculty are not permanent members of staff, and in many cases, are not in residence for the entire academic year, or in residence each year. Part-time with the post-doc qualification seems to be the best way to incorporate this information given the categories that apply everywhere else. Outside Australia, post-docs are not listed, since their status is usually much more temporary and their role different than at the Australian universities with Federation Fellowship monies.
A few other points that deserve special notice:
1. Departments are listed alphabetically by name and region (U.S., Canada, U.K., Australasia).
2. All departments that ranked in 2006 are included here (with the exception of Florida, which has suspended its PhD program). Faculties surveyed in 2006 that did not score high enough to rank are not included this year, unless changes in the interim seem likely to alter that result. Several faculties not surveyed recently (or ever before) are included in this round: Nebraska, UC Santa Cruz, Utah. As noted, the Advisory Board is now voting on other possible inclusions.
3. As in 2006, faculties not included in the survey will still be included in the specialty rankings where appropriate, based either on the 2006 results (assuming no major changes since then) or on the judgment of the Advisory Board.
4. The category of "affiliated" faculty has been replaced with the cateagory "Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units," for reasons discussed on the blog this past summer. Feedback on whether "cognate" faculty are really available for work with philosophy PhD students is especially welcome.
5. Also very helpful would be information on faculty who are slated to retire at the end of the 2008-09 academic year or who are on a phased or scheduled retirement program of some kind.
7. Only faculty at the affected program may post corrections, below. DO NOT E-MAIL ME CORRECTIONS. Please post them below, so that efforts will not be duplicated. Occasionally, there are questions that require some discretion in terms of how to count faculty; for those purposes, faculty may e-mail me. ONLY SIGNED COMMENTS WILL BE POSTED BELOW.
The faculty lists will be finalized by Monday, December 1, and we hope to begin the on-line survey shortly thereafter.