I just stumbled upon the following interesting and timely exchange between Jonathan Haidt, David Sloan Wilson, Michael Shermer, Sam Harris, PZ Myers, and Marc Hauser over at Edge.org. Haidt's extended discussion can be found here. The responses on the part of Wilson, Shermer, and the others can be found here. One of the key issues is whether the so-called "New Atheism" as it has been developed by Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens, Onfray, Dennett, and others is (a) scientifically minded rather than emotionally driven, and (b) helpful in terms of fostering dialog between the factions of the "culture wars." I plan to post a response to Haidt here on LR in the upcoming days. Once I do, I will open a comment thread to get your feedback. For now, take a look at the exchange between the aforementioned parties.
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