The Philosopher's Annual has come back to life and announced its selections for the "ten best" papers published in 2007. They are:
Adam Elga (Princeton University), "Reflection and Disagreement," Nous 41 (2007), 478-502.
Justin C. Fisher (University of British Columbia), "Why Nothing Mental is Just in the Head," Nous 41 (2007), 318-334.
Michael N. Forster (University of Chicago), "Socrates' Profession of Ignorance," Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 22 (2007), 1-36.
Clark Glymour (Carnegie-Mellon University), "When Is a Brain Like the Planet?" Philosophy of Science 74(2007), 330-347.
Sally Haslanger (Massachussetts Institute of Technology), "'But Mom, Crop-Tops Are Cute!' Social Knowledge, Social Structure and Ideology Critique," Philosophical Issues 17 (2007) The Metaphysics of Epistemology, pp. 70-91.
Thomas Hofweber (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), "Innocent Statements and Their Metaphysically Loaded Counterparts," Philosophers' Imprint 7 (2007), 1-33.
Nadeem Hussain (Stanford University), "Honest Illusion: Valuing for Nietzsche's Free Spirits," from B. Leiter & N. Sinhababu, eds, Nietzsche and Morality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 157-191.
Shaun Nichols (University of Arizona) and Joshua Knobe (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), "Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions," Nous 41 (2007), 663-685.
Peter Vanderschraaf (BU), "Covenants and Reputations," Synthese 157 (2007), 167-195.
Seth Yalcin (New York University), "Epistemic Modals," Mind 16 (2007), 983-1026.
The nominating editors for this volume were: Jason McKenzie Alexander, J.C. Beall, Ned Block, Tyler Burge, David Chalmers, David Danks, Keith DeRose, Owen Flanagan, Marilyn Friedman, Allen Hazen, Brian Leiter, Peter Ludlow, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Michael Otsuka, Greg Restall, Richard Scheines, Francois Schroeter, Laura Schroeter, Ted Sider, Michael Slote, J. Howard Sobel, Peter Spirtes, Jason Stanley, Johan van Benthem, Achille Varzi, Sam Wheeler, Jim Woodward, and Dean Zimmerman. Personally, I was pleased to see a stronger representation than in past years for first-rate philosophical papers on historical figures.
The strong showing of Nous--with three of its articles selected--is also, I think, especially notable, and perhaps an indication that, as the scuttlebutt on the philosophical street often has it, that it may be displacing Journal of Philosophy to join Philosophical Review as "the top choice" for article placement. Also notable is that the on-line and still fairly young Philosophers' Imprint has now had its second article chosen as among "the ten best" of the year.
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