A professor at Miami Dade College has created an on-line petition protesting the decision to eliminate the PhD program at the University of Florida. I hope other philosophers will join me in signing.
UPDATE: May I suggest that when signing you use the comments to indicate who you are: e.g., "undergraduate philosophy student at University of Missouri," or "graduate student in philosophy at University of Notre Dame" or "Assistant Professor of Law at University of Kentucky," or "Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Florida," etc. You should, of course, add whatever other comments you think relevant, as many signatories have already done (lots of good comments too!).
ANOTHER: 50 new signatures in the hour since this post went up. Nice work, readers! But there were over 500 'hits' on the blog in the last hour (of course not all of those were real visitors, some land here by accident). Don't be shy, please! Sign!!! It is important for the profession to stand up for the centrality of the discipline to the mission of a major research university.
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