To Have Lived This Long
To have lived this long in admiration of children authors of the book of
laughter cartographers of the map of solutions whose commentary can
always be trusted
To have lived this long in fealty to women without understanding them yet
knowing their value as they melt or harden with the changing seasons
To have lived this long scowling at the genuflectors the cringers the
clingers the gossips especially the barren patriots
To have lived this long among these barbarians even perhaps to have
supported them by inaction to have tutted and tsked but not to have
risked my body
To have lived this long clinging to this fractured bone yard into which I
mumble even to think it worthy to lave it stuff it wrap it in cloth guard
it from its just deserts
To have lived this long disguised as human as man as poet as comrade as
lover as culture-carrier all these but masks of my strident my querulous
To have lived this long tried by the body's ailments the mind's enigmas
squirreled beneath shame's bravado the vulnerability of this sack of
sorrow that bears my name
To have lived this long vain as any carrion humbled yet arrogant stumbling
yet upright doomed yet in denial sitting here near noon forgetful of
food of water of tasks of trials dumbly tapping out a poem:
madness ecstasy affluence
12/21/04, 12/30/04, 1/6/05, 10/7/07, 1/20/08, 1/24/08
Copyright 2004, 2008 by Maurice Leiter
Posted with permission.
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