Maudemarie Clark, the leading senior scholar in the field of Nietzsche studies, who is presently Carleton Professor of Philosophy at Colgate University, has accepted the senior offer from the Department of Philosophy at the University of California at Riverside. With five distinguished tenured faculty working in and around Kant and post-Kantian Continental philosophy (besides Clark, they are Pierre Keller, Andrews Reath, Georgia Warnke, and Mark Wrathall), Riverside probably now ranks with Chicago as one of the top two choices for students interested in Continental philosophy in the U.S. The addition of Clark, on top of hires of Agnieszka Jaworska and John Perry, will probably also push UC Riverside into the overall top 25 in the U.S., if not higher. (This is on the assumption that they successfully retain one senior member of the Department being pursued by Southern California.)
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