Here's some of the blog postings from 2007 that still seem to me most interesting (of course, what do I know?). If you missed them the first time, you might enjoy checking them out now (most are by me, but I've included a handful by some of the others who occasionally blog here):
The Changing "Sociology" of the Philosophy Profession (January)
The Proposed U.S. Troop "Surge" in Iraq (January)
Paul Campos's Problem with the First Amendment and Academic Freedom (February)
On Pluralism in Philosophy Departments, Once Again (March)
Using Google Scholar to Assesss the Impact of Scholarly Work (April)
"Because the undergraduates are better" (May)
DePaul's University Attack on Academic Freedom: The Tenure Case of Norman Finkelstein (June)
Simon Critchley Rides to the Defense of Derrida (July)
Carlin Romano: Total Ignorance of Philosophy is No Obstacle to Opining about Richard Rorty (September)
Geuss's Skepticism about Rawls (October)
Summary of Major Faculty Moves and Tenure-Track Hires for 2006-2007 (October)
How Do Departments Decide Whom to Interview at the APA? (November)
The Honderich-McGinn Dispute (with links to earlier postings) (October-November-December)
And from my Nietzsche blog:
Nietzsche Studies: Where the Action Is (October)
Ridley on "Nietzsche and the Re-evaluation of Values" (November)
Where should a beginner start with Nietzsche? (December)
And from my legal philosophy blog:
The Worst Jurisprudential Article of the Year? (September)
Justifying Originalism (October)
Authorities that Perform a Partial Service: An Objection to Raz's Objection to Soft Positivism? (November)
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