My short essay on Richard Rorty's Dewey Lecture at the University of Chicago Law School has just appeared, but not only in English! Unbeknownst to me, it was translated for publication in the journal Kritika & Kontext, vol. 12, no. 34 (2007), which has just arrived in the mail. (The translation seems to have been done from the version I posted on SSRN awhile back.) The English title, "Science and Morality: Pragmatic Reflections on Rorty's 'Pragmatism," appears as "Veda a moralka: Pragmaticke reflexie Rortyho 'pragmaatizmu.'" (There are a couple of accents missing.) What language is this? Is it Czech? The journal is published in Slovakia, but seems to publish in a number of Eastern European languages. I'm sure some reader can enlighten me. Thanks. (Any information on the journal, which looks interesting [some of it is in English, and there are other (translated) contributions by Rorty, Michael Walzer, and Steven Pinker, among others] would also be appreciated.)