In view of the horrific mass murder at Virginia Tech today, I invite members of the philosophical community there to post any pertinent information pertaining to the status and safety of its students and faculty. I hope you are all safe!
UPDATE (1:13 PM Central Standard Time, so 2:13 pm East Coast time): Kevin Klipfel, an MA student in Philosophy at Virginia Tech, writes:
Thank you very much for your concern. I've talked to several people in the department and everyone seems to be safe. I was not on campus at the time of the shootings, nor were most of the people I've talked to. Those who were told me that the building the philosophy department is in was on lockdown for a couple hours, but that they're now home safely.
Norris, where the second shooting took place is very close to the philosophy department; most of what you see on television is taking place in a very familiar area of campus.
I don't have much to report besides what you can learn from the national news media, although to the best of my knowledge, the faculty and graduate students in the philosophy department appear to be safe.