The Bush administration's real decider--Dick Cheney--slithered out from under the oiligarchic rock he normally hides under yesterday to suggest that the quagmire in the Middle East is evidence that the American people should vote for Bush's friends in November (see here for details). In a speech that would have made the writers at Comedy Central proud, our war-mongering and war-profiteering Vice President had the audacity to suggest that it is Republicans and not Democrats who "protect the American people" and who "support the men and women who defend us in time of war." You see, they "protect us" by destabilizing an entire region--thereby breeding more hatred for America than has ever existed. And they "support" our soldiers by sending them off to die in Iraq so that we can liberate the Iraqi people from their oil. So, we should vote them all back into office because now that they have made a mess of things, they alone are tough-minded enough to get us out of the quagmire they created?
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