One philosopher has been awarded a Canada Research Chair this year: Mohan Matthen (philosophy of mind, philosophy of biology, ancient philosophy) at the University of Toronto has been awarded a Tier 1 Chair.
A complete list of philosophers who hold Tier 1 or Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs is here.
UPDATE: Richard Zach (Calgary) points out that there are other philosophers who have received CRC's, but who don't show up on a "philosophy" search at the CRC website. They are:
Cornelius Borck
Canada Research Chair in Philosophy and Language of Medicine McGill University
Francoise Baylis
Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy Dalhousie University
Brad C. Inwood
Canada Research Chair in Ancient Philosophy University of Toronto
Walter Glannon
Canada Research Chair in Medical Bioethics and Ethical Theory The University of Calgary
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