It gives me particular pleasure to announce that my esteemed part-time colleague Leslie Green, who has made major contributions to legal and political philosophy over the past two decades, has been elected to the Professorship of Philosophy of Law at Oxford University, which also includes a Fellowship at Balliol College. The Professorship, a new statutory chair, was created upon the retirement of Joseph Raz from his personal Chair, also at Balliol. It is one of just two statutory professorships in jurisprudence at Oxford, the other being held by John Gardner. If Green accepts, that will certainly secure Oxford's continued place as the leading center of legal philosophy in the English-speaking world.
In addition to being a regular visiting professor here at Texas, Green is also Professor of Law and Philosophy in both the Osgoode Hall School of Law and Department of Philosophy at York University, Toronto.
For current and prospective students at Texas, I should add that I'm quite optimistic that if Professor Green accepts the Oxford Chair, he will still continue to be here in Austin in some part-time capacity.
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