The gall of some people. How dare the media--biased as it towards the left--out yet another secretive program the Bushies have put in place to catch the bad guys while circumventing our rights. Apparently, Dick Cheney is deeply offended by the media's audacity. After all, not only does the leak make America unsafe--much like questioning any facet of this administration's national or foreign policy--but it also conveniently ignores the fact that the plan is entirely legal. For while it may appear to circumvent the American laws that prohibit warrant-less access to the banking records of Americans (e.g., The Right to Financial Privacy Act), it does not. After all, SWIFT--the Belgium company that has turned over the salient information--is "a messaging service, not a bank or financial institution." See, it's OK if they snoop into our banking records so long as they don't get the records from a bank! And to think that we were offended by the fact that our right to privacy is slowly being eroded. How silly of us.
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