The Christian Science Monitor (Feb. 9) reports that the Total (or Terrorist) Information Awareness (TIA) program shot down by Congress in 2003 is alive and well--without Congressional approval or oversight. The Bush Administration's insolent, continuing violation of FISA and the Constitution is motivated, apparently, by its determination to pursue TIA, Congress be damned. J. Robert Oppenheimer said,
When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and you argue about what to do about it only after you have had your technical success.
Oppenheimer delivered the technical success; but when he tried to argue what to do about it, he was ignominiously kicked out of government. The Bush Administration has made it clear that even shabbier treatment awaits insiders who would dare go public with questions about TIA, or with doubts about its technical success. ("I'm sorry we're even talking about it.") As illustrated in the piece, "An Outspoken Conservative Loses His Place at the Table" (New York Times, Feb. 13), even the so-called "think tanks" funded by the monied right are ready to enforce party unity. (Oppie at least had Princeton.)
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