Paul Mirecki is the University of Kansas religion professor who proposed a course on Intelligent Design as "mythology," which is actually about the nicest thing one can say about new-fangled creationism. This, in itself, generated controversy with the homegrown theocrats, but matters got worse when a derisive e-mail about fundamentalists sent by Mirecki to an atheists and agnostics listserve surfaced. Professor Mirecki has since been physically attacked by "defenders of the faith," and, as a consequence of the general political outcry about the course and Professor Mireckie's remarks, his course has been cancelled, which tells you everything you need to know about academic freedom at the University of Kansas. Pharyngula has comments and links here, including the following remarkable statement by a Republican state senator in Kansas: "We have to set a standard that it’s not culturally acceptable to mock Christianity in America."
Gee, why settle for "not culturally acceptable"? Why not go for "not legally permissible"? Or perhaps "punishable by stoning"?
And that's the state of nascent fascist theocracy in Kansas in 2005.
UPDATE: This story says Professor Mirecki, not the University, cancelled the class, though one still wonders what pressures may have been brought to bear on the decision.
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