MOVING TO THE FRONT from Nov. 8. Many, many thanks to the roughly 275 readers who have posted so far. I appreciate your sharing a bit about yourselves. I invite still others to add a few words (there have been more than 6,000 visits to the site since I opened the first thread, so I suspect there's still a few out there who haven't posted!).
Fascinating responses to my first thread on this subject; my sincere thanks to all those who have posted so far. It's gratifying, and a bit daunting, to have such an interesting, diversely and highly educated, and far-flung (geographically and otherwise) set of readers. Since the last thread was getting a bit long, I thought I'd open a new one and encourage others to post a few words. (I'm posting this at 10:15 am London time, 4:15 am Austin time.) Every comment submitted has been posted, with the exception of one non-responsive and juvenile insult (not even directed at me). Those who've been watching silently, I hope you'll post a few words (anonymously is fine).
REMINDER: Comments may take awhile to appear; please post your comment ONLY once (this is esp. important since Typepad has been moving very slowly this afternoon).