Graham Larkin is the Stanford Art History professor, and AAUP representative, who has been battling it out with David "let's put an end to academic freedom once and for all" Horowitz and his push for what he bizarrely calls an "Academic Bill of Rights" (more on that here and here and here and here [note that I got the title of the Bill wrong in some of the earlier postings]). The latest in the Larkin/Horowitz debate is here, where Larkin calls Horowitz on his claim to have gotten support for the Academic Bill of Rights from various liberal and left academics. (And as a sidenote, Eugene Volokh [Law, UCLA], putative libertarian, ought to publically repudiate the Horowitz initiative, rather than soft peddle it.)
Meanwhile, Jim Rossi (Law, Florida State) informs me that the attack on academic freedom has now come to the Florida legislature. And Professor Larkin informs me that the AAUP has set up an informational site about the ABOR initiatives nationwide.
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