O'Reilly, fascist hatchet man for the Fox Propaganda channel, is on a jihad against professors who don't toe the line: the latest details here, including who you can contact to help support the right of individuals to free expression of their ideas, repugnant or otherwise.
UPDATE: Shame on Professor Paul Campos of the University of Colorado Law School for actually going on O'Reilly's show to fan the flames against another professor at Boulder targetted by O'Reilly. (Read the transcript; you would never guess this was a constitutional law professor.) For what a responsible academic and scholar has to say about the Churchill case, see the remarks of Gerald Dworkin here. My only surmise is that Campos--who hasn't done real scholarly work in quite awhile, but who now writes a newspaper column in Boulder and has taken up other popular writing (about topics like obesity!)--is using this as an opportunity for self-promotion. Shame on you Paul!
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