(Note: I had started drafting this prior to the election, but I suppose it is still of some interest.)
A complete transcript of his recent message is here. It makes for interesting reading, though predictably I suppose, the legions of right-wing morons in the U.S. are busy misreading it. In fact, the statement makes very clear why al-Qaeada endorsed Bush for President; as the chief al-Qaeda zealot explains:
"As for [the] results [of the war on the U.S.], they have been, by the grace of Allah, positive and enormous, and have, by all standards, exceeded all expectations. This is due to many factors, chief amongst them, that we have found it difficult to deal with the Bush administration in light of the resemblance it bears to the regimes in our countries, half of which are ruled by the military and the other half which are ruled by the sons of kings and presidents.
"Our experience with them is lengthy, and both types are replete with those who are characterized by pride, arrogance, greed and misappropriation of wealth. This resemblance began after the visits of Bush Sr. to the region.
"At a time when some of our compatriots were dazzled by America and hoping that these visits would have an effect on our countries, all of a sudden he was affected by those monarchies and military regimes, and became envious of their remaining decades in their positions, to embezzle the public wealth of the nation without supervision or accounting.
"So he took dictatorship and suppression of freedoms to his son and they named it the Patriot Act, under the pretense of fighting terrorism. In addition, Bush sanctioned the installing of sons as state governors, and didn't forget to import expertise in election fraud from the region's presidents to Florida to be made use of in moments of difficulty.
"All that we have mentioned has made it easy for us to provoke and bait this administration. All that we have to do is to send two Mujahideen to the furthest point East to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al-Qaida, in order to make the generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic, and political losses without their achieving for it anything of note other than some benefits for their private companies.
"This is in addition to our having experience in using guerrilla warfare and the war of attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers, as we, alongside the Mujahideen, bled Russia for ten years, until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat.
"All Praise is due to Allah.
"So we are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah.
"That being said, those who say that al-Qaida has won against the administration in the White House or that the administration has lost in this war have not been precise, because when one scrutinizes the results, one cannot say that al-Qaida is the sole factor in achieving those spectacular gains.
"Rather, the policy of the White House that demands the opening of war fronts to keep busy their various corporations – whether they be working in the field of arms or oil or reconstruction – has helped al-Qaida to achieve these enormous results."
Here's a short translation for those whose ideological blinkers prevent them from getting the point:
"The criminal war-mongers and corporate whores in the Bush Administration did more than we had hoped for. Like the fascist thugs we know well in our own countries, the Bushies wouldn't deal at all, turning instead to repressive measures, at home and abroad. They squandered American lives and resources to no purpose, and like the Soviets, will end up bankrupt and defeated because of their stupid response and their actions driven by business interests at home."
And now, of course, they have a popular mandate for such a course of action.
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