I don't ordinarly post job ads, but I'm making an exception for a post my half-time colleague Leslie Green is looking to fill at his other institution (and let me add that the lucky successful applicant won't find a better colleague in this field); Les writes:
We are hiring to an an entry-level, tenure-track position in moral, political or legal philosophy, so I'd be very grateful if you would draw this to the attention of any excellent candidates you may know. The deadline is December, 1, 2004 ; applications and enquiries to:
Chair, Hiring Committee
Department of Philosophy
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3.
Email: [email protected]
further information is available from me, or online:
(While we are required to give first consideration to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, you should not discourage people from applying on this ground alone.)
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