A law professor at another university writes with the following amusing remarks (not to mention nice words, which I get to gratuitously include):
"First, my compliments on your ever-interesting blog. Every day brings worthwhile and often horrifying information, expressed wittily and pungently. The swine in the White House shouldn't seek reelection; he should seek absolution. Keep up the good work!
"Probably I'm the last person in the world to realize this, but I wandered through some creationist sites recently and found that the Institute of Creation Research is authorized by the State of California to award the M.S. degree. If the S stood for stupidity I wouldn't much care, but how on earth can this group purport to give degrees in science, degrees held out as credentials by their brainwashed possessors? A college friend teaches at a little religious college in
[name omitted] where one of the science faculty has an ICR M.S. as his highest
degree. I suspect I learned more and better biology from Mr. Bloomhuff in ninth grade."
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