This is beautiful and long overdue--Iowa Senator Harkin on Vice-President Cheney's attacks on John Kerry's war record:
"'It just outrages me that someone who got five deferments during Vietnam and said he had "other priorities" at that time would say that,' said the Iowa Democrat, a former Navy fighter pilot....
"'They're running scared because John Kerry has a war record and they don't,' said Harkin. 'What he (Cheney) is doing and what he is saying is cowardly. The actions are cowardly....'
"He said Cheney has little standing to question the war record of Kerry, who was repeatedly wounded and decorated while serving as a swift boat commander in Vietnam....
"Harkin said that it angered him to hear tough talk from Cheney.
"'When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil,' said Harkin.
"'He'll be tough, but he'll be tough with someone else's kid's blood,' said Harkin."
This does bear emphasizing, doesn't it? Chicken hawks Cheney and Bush fled from danger, period. They didn't not go to Vietnam because it was the last major criminal and immoral war, based on lies. They didn't not go because they were principled pacifists. They avoided the war because they were self-serving cowards, as they are today.
That needs to be said as often as possible. And loudly. Rudely. Offend someone with it. "The truth is terrible" said my favorite German philosopher. Indeed.
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