"Have you ever noticed how reactionary conservative organizations are so ashamed of their causes that they give them names that represent the ideals of their opponents? For example, 'sound' science has nothing at all to do with good science—it's a smokescreen for hiding a corporate/political agenda under the pretense of legitimate scientific research. Or look at the Discovery Institute; it's about anything other than legitimate discovery, and is all about putting a pseudo-scientific veneer over old-fashioned blinkered religious ignorance.
"Add another example to the list: Stemcellresearch.org. It sure sounds like it ought to be an advocacy group for stem cell research, doesn't it? When you look more closely at their agenda, though, what you discover is that its purpose is to stop stem cell research. I have no idea why they couldn't have been honest and just taken the domain name 'stopstemcellresearch.org'. It's available."
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