A propopos my posting on the creationist theme park and the creation of an insular, parallel universe of services for the religious, this article reports that:
"The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) may consider a resolution next month urging parents to pull their children out of public schools and educate them either by home schooling or sending them to Christian private schools....
"The resolution urges all officers and members of the Southern Baptist Convention 'to remove their children from the government schools and see to it that they receive a thoroughly Christian education....'
"The resolution's co-sponsor, Bruce Shortt, an attorney and home-schooling father, told the conservative Web site WorldNetDaily.com that many Christian parents are in denial about the dangers of government schools. He said the time has come 'to focus on rescuing our children from Pharaoh's schools.'
"The resolution does not disparage adults who 'labor as missionaries' by working or teaching in public schools. Rather, 'they should be commended and encouraged to be salt and light in a dark and decaying government school system,' it says."
(Thanks to Eric Enlow for the pointer.)
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