The New York Times reported that libertarians are looking to create their utopia in New Hampshire, by moving there en masse in order to take over state government. I particularly enjoyed the astute comments of libertarian migrator Jackie Casey.
Ms. Casey, who lives with her cat and two 9-millimeter handguns (and wants a machine gun "or at least a rifle" for Xmas), and "sells memberships to a Las Vegas survivalist training institute and models for comic books," is full of vintage libertarian insights:
On the advantages of eliminating entitlements: "you'd only attract immigrants who are hard-working people," like those who sell memberships to survivalist training institutes, for example.
On public education: "I radically oppose public education. It's demeaning and it creates criminals."
On the causes of poverty: "the thing that hurts poor people is they don't know how to think of themselves as rich."
Prediction: I expect Ms. Casey to join the ranks of the Volokh Conspirators before long. She's not as knowledgeable as Eugene, to be sure, but this never before appears to have been the criterion for adding Conspirators. Moreover, they are short of women, plus she's pithy, which is a virtue.
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